Family Takes Dog To Vet To Be Put Down As They ‘Don’t Want To Care For Her Anymore’

A 34-year-old woman named Melissa was able to make her dreams come true and start a rescue, Old Dog Home, on her 11-acre property in Conyers, Georgia. She’d always wanted to start a place that would give older, unwanted dogs a second chance in life.

And when she heard about Holly through her business’ veterinary partner, she had to take her in even though the home was full. A man brought the senior dog in to be euthanized because he “didn’t want to take care of her anymore,” and the vet refused to put the sweet dog down.

Holly was around 10 to 12 years old and super friendly with a lot of life left to give. Her original owner passed away, and she was shuffled from home to home until she finally settled with her current family.

And they no longer wanted her because they already had two other dogs and claimed Holly would pee on the floor. The grandkids were also not interested in her.

“I don’t like to pick on children, but the granddaughter looked at me and shrugged – ‘We just don’t really like her. We like our other dogs better.’ Meanwhile, the dog stood there, wagging and wagging and wagging her tail,” Melissa commented.

Holly is in good shape overall but still a little scared and confused in life. She just recently learned to relax a bit as Melissa wraps her in blankets to snuggle often. The dog’s getting that love she deserves.

When Holly is completely healed both physically and mentally, Melissa will help find her a forever home where she’ll be spoiled for the rest of her life. For Melissa, the dream then continues on as another spot in her rescue opens up to save yet another elderly dog in need.



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